Welcome to The Church Operations Toolkit!

Together, we’ll make the behind-the-scenes aspects of leading a church easier and more effective.

Event Planning
Project Management
Information Technology
Facility Management
Human Resource
Church Management System
Volunteer Management


How to navigate the Transition from Corporate to church

Many churches hire people from the corporate or for-profit world as Executive Pastors, Church Business Administrators, Human Resource Directors, and other similar functions. Individuals with such work experience, when combined with a passion for ministry, can bring their expertise to the table to serve the church. One key challenge they face, however, is the cultural canyon they must cross from one world into another. In this resource, I offer several tips to make that transition more successful.

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How to Break Down Departmental Silos and Improve Communication

As the church grows and you add team members, it’s easy for departmental silos to develop. One group doesn’t understand what another group is doing (or why) and when that crosses their path, conflict ensues. In this resource, you’ll find several tips on how to break down those departmental silos and improve communication.

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Church Annual Report Tips

An annual report can be a tool to excite, inspire, and encourage a congregation. Check out these tips for developing a report that highlights the previous year and inspires readers as they look forward to what’s coming next.

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How to Document Tasks

Developing task documentation isn’t the most exciting item on anyone’s to-do list. However, having this documentation can save your team hours of frustration and delays down the road. Use this guide to start documenting tasks in the least amount of time possible.

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How to Develop, Implement, & Maintain Church Policies & Procedures

This guide includes why churches need documented policies and procedures, how to develop them, how to communicate them, and how to keep them up-to-date.

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Church Procedure Template

Use this template to document the step-by-step procedures for your church. This could include the procedure for on-boarding new employees, completing a background check on a potential volunteer, and much more.

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Church Policy Template

Use this template as you document the policies of your church.

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Event Planning

Church Event Planning Questionnaire

Preparing to plan the next event at your church? Use this questionnaire to guide the planning process.

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Easter Planning Checklist

Use this to start planning your Easter services and special events.

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The Church Event Planning Toolkit

This eBook includes a proven process for planning church events of various sizes, scales, and types. Use this process to make planning events easier and more effective.

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Church Event Planning List by Module

Video links below ↓↓ :

Church Event Team Job Descriptions

Depending on the type and size of your event, you may not need all of these job descriptions. However, it’s always helpful to provide clear (and documented) expectations to everyone on the team. Use these job descriptions and customize them for your church’s situation.

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Church Event Planner Job Description

What does an event planner do, anyway? Well, here’s my take on what that role should entail. Use this sample job description to develop one for your church.

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Church Event Charter

It’s easy to think everyone is on the same page when it comes to the purpose and other details of an event. Unfortunately, that’s often a mistaken assumption. Get everyone literally on the same page with this event charter template.

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Church Event Volunteer Matrix

If you don’t have a church management system (or yours isn’t setup to track this information), use this spreadsheet to track the volunteers (and their role) for your next event.

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Church Event Dashboard

This is a one-page template you can use to update your leadership on the progress of planning a particular event.

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Church Event Planning Team Org Chart

An event planning team likely consists of current staff members and volunteers. By assigning each individual a specific role (i.e., “Volunteer Recruiting”) and depicting that information on this org chart, you can make sure everyone knows who’s in charge of what for this event.

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Introduction to Risk Management

Does your church have a risk management strategy? Do you need one? In this video, Deborah explains what risk management is and how it applies to the church.

Develop a Childcare Check-in Process

Whether you’re using paper or check-in software, you’ll need a standard process for checking in children for each service. In this guide, you’ll find information on what details to request from parents/guardians, and a few tips to help you get started.

Run Background Checks on Staff & Volunteers

We’d all prefer to think none of our staff members or volunteers would abuse someone or steal from the church. Unfortunately, a quick search of recent news indicates that’s possible anywhere. Background checks can help you screen out people with proven track records of illegal activity. This guide includes an introduction to background checks and how to use them along with a list of potential vendors to consider.

Protect the Vision-A Practical Guide to Church Risk Management

Leading a church, like anything in life, involves risk. Theft, moral failures, staffing issues, and more can hinder the ministry of your church. In this book, I provide an overview of top risks churches face and how to handle each.

How to Prepare for Natural Disasters

Do you have a documented response plan for how to deal with the aftermath of a natural disaster? If not, start with this guide to begin developing a plan to help your church and community recover quickly.

Disaster Prep Response Plan

Unfortunately, natural disaster such as earthquakes, tornados, and floods do occur in our communities. This template will help you develop a response plan for the most common natural disasters that could impact your church and community.

Getting Started with Church Security

Conversation with Simon Osamoh, Founder of Kingswood Security Consulting and the Worship Security Association. Access the full length video as well as the video transcript.

Project Management

1. How to Create a Project Plan

Developing a project plan requires a detailed understanding of the upcoming project, at least some knowledge of how long each task may take to complete, and communication with team members. Here’s a brief guide to help you get started.

2. Project Management Process Flow

As your church leadership team decides on and defines what activities to treat as a project, the next step is to put each project through the same process. The purpose of the project management process is to make it easier to accomplish big goals, provide actionable information to the leadership team as needed, and maintain excellent stewardship of church resources.

3. Project Management Tools Overview

If you’re looking for an online tool to help coordinate tasks, deadlines, and files related to a project, there are plenty of options available. The challenge is figuring out which one will work best for your church. In this guide, we offer tips on how to select project management software plus an overview of the top contenders.

Intro to Church Project Management 1:

Intro to Church Project Management 2:

Intro to Church Project Management 3:

1. Lessons Learned Meeting Notes Template

There’s always room for improvement and lessons to capture from each project we undertake. Document those lessons so your team can make the next project run even better.

2. Project Dashboard

Senior leaders want reassurance that a key project is on-track but they don’t want ALL the details. How do you give them just enough information to keep them informed? By using a one-page dashboard. Use this template to provide your Senior Pastor or other leader with an executive summary of a project’s progress.

3. Project Manager Job Description

What does a Project Manager DO anyway? Use this template/sample to find out and to help you find a great PM.

4. Project Plan Template

If you’re fairly new to project management, this is a simple template to help you get started. Use this for smaller efforts, then graduate to using a project management system for more complex projects.

5. The Church Project Management Quick Start Guide

If you’re fairly new to project management, this guide will help you more effectively (and efficiently) organize key efforts for your church. From launching a new discipleship program to renovating the children’s area, there are always projects to complete. Make those projects run smoothly, finish on-time and on-budget with a well-run project management process.

COVID-19 Reopening Insights

In this interview, Deborah spoke with Executive Pastor Scott Baker about how The Bridge is navigating reopening amid COVID-19. Access the full length video as well as the video transcript.


Purchase Liability Insurance

Part of protecting the church financially requires purchasing liability insurance. There are several types of liability insurance, so this guide includes a brief description of each.

An Introduction to Church Insurance

If you’re trying to decide what insurance your church needs or you’re evaluating the coverage you currently have, here’s an overview of the various types of insurance you may want to consider.

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Information Technology

1. Cyber Security Training

Unfortunately, churches are targets for criminals through malware, ransomware, and other cyber attacks. This document includes an overview of the basic cyber threats along with how to protect your church’s data and finances. Use this to train church staff and volunteers – anyone with access to church computers or network.

2. Set Up Church Email

Email addresses that use the church’s website domain look more official and professional than emails from a generic email provider. This guide includes a few options for setting up church email addresses.

3. Inventory IT Equipment

A list of all computers, external hard drives, printers, and other IT equipment is useful for insurance claims, tracking when to you’ll need to replace items, and more. Use this guide with this template to start tracking your church’s IT equipment today.

4. Establish an Electronic File Storage System

Do you know where all the church’s documents, graphics, and other electronic files are located? Are they saved on the personal computers of staff or volunteers? If so, you risk losing vital information. Instead, establish a centralized electronic file storage system to keep church files safe and easy to find.

5. Getting Started with Email Marketing

A great way to keep people informed about the latest church news and events is via email. If you’re just starting out with sending mass emails or need to start from scratch, check out this resource. From email service providers to the CAN-SPAM Act, we’ve got you covered.

6. How to Get Started with a Church Technology Review

If you need to get a handle on what tech the church uses consistently, what it’s paying for, and who has what, a technology review is a great place to start. Use the Software Vendor Inventory template in conjunction with the review to keep current records all in one place.

Information Technology

Cyber Security Training

Unfortunately, churches are targets for criminals through malware, ransomware, and other cyber attacks. This document includes an overview of the basic cyber threats along with how to protect your church’s data and finances. Use this to train church staff and volunteers – anyone with access to church computers or network.

Set Up Church Email

Email addresses that use the church’s website domain look more official and professional than emails from a generic email provider. This guide includes a few options for setting up church email addresses.

Inventory IT Equipment

A list of all computers, external hard drives, printers, and other IT equipment is useful for insurance claims, tracking when to you’ll need to replace items, and more. Use this guide with this template to start tracking your church’s IT equipment today.

Establish an Electronic File Storage System

Do you know where all the church’s documents, graphics, and other electronic files are located? Are they saved on the personal computers of staff or volunteers? If so, you risk losing vital information. Instead, establish a centralized electronic file storage system to keep church files safe and easy to find.

Getting Started with Email Marketing

A great way to keep people informed about the latest church news and events is via email. If you’re just starting out with sending mass emails or need to start from scratch, check out this resource. From email service providers to the CAN-SPAM Act, we’ve got you covered.

How to Get Started with a Church Technology Review

If you need to get a handle on what tech the church uses consistently, what it’s paying for, and who has what, a technology review is a great place to start. Use the Software Vendor Inventory template in conjunction with the review to keep current records all in one place.

Software Vendor Inventory

Use this spreadsheet to document what software the church pays for, who uses it, and more.

Church Website Design

Conversation with Tyler Harden of Firm Foundations Marketing. Access the full length video as well as the video transcript.

Video link: https://vimeo.com/505833803/be35366e9f

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Facility Management

How to Establish & Maintain Capital Reserves

Roofing, HVAC units, flooring, and more are all items that you’ll need to replace at your church facility. This resource includes links to several videos from the team at Smart Church Solutions on how to handle capital reserves. From why it’s important to how much to set aside, you’ll get practical tips from these sessions.

Deferred Maintenance

Church facilities require consistent maintenance and upkeep. If those preventative maintenance activities are postponed for too long, you could end up with an expensive repair/replace situation. In this PDF, you’ll find links to several resources to help you navigate this topic.

Develop a Basic Cleaning Schedule

Keeping the church clean sounds like a simple task, but it isn’t. Even though it doesn’t feel like a commercial building, you should approach cleaning it more like that than you would a house. Working with the church facility experts at Smart Church Solutions, we developed a how-to guide for cleaning church buildings. Use these cleaning cards to train and remind team members of the process for cleaning each area.

How to Get Started with a Church Facility Refresh

Has it been awhile since you last really inspected the church campus? Use this brief guide to help you evaluate the facilities with a new perspective and make any necessary improvements.

Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Stewarding the facilities God has entrusted to your congregation involves regular maintenance. From the HVAC system to water heaters and more, there are several tasks for your facilities team to complete throughout the year. We developed this checklist with the experts at Smart Church Solutions.

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Human Resource

Church Staff Performance Evaluation Process

Are you looking to begin or improve a staff evaluation process? Check out this introduction to developing a process that provides meaningful feedback to employees and encourages continual improvement.

Org Chart Template

Use this MS Word template to create an org chart for church staff (including volunteers, if desired).

Staff Evaluation Form

Use this sample form for annual (or other frequency) reviews. Take a look at the Church Staff Evaluation Process document as well – especially if you’re getting ready to begin a brand new evaluation process.as you document the policies of your church.

Employee Handbook

Use this document to create a comprehensive employee handbook for your church. **Please have church legal counsel review the final Employee Handbook before providing it to employees. This is to ensure the policies and content are compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations that apply to your church.

Task Documentation Template

Have you ever run into a situation where an employee was out of the office, one of their key tasks needed to be completed, and NO ONE else knew how to handle it? Prevent that nightmare from happening again by documenting key tasks. Use this template to get started.

Church Leadership Job Descriptions

This file includes several job descriptions for roles that are standard across most churches. Start with these and customize them as needed for your church.

How to Leverage Outsourcing to Accomplish More Without Breaking the Bank

In this interview with Shaar.work Founder, Matt Lombardi, we discuss how church leaders can leverage outsourcing to grow the team (and expand ministry capacity) without adding full-time staffers and the associated costs. Access the full length video as well as the video transcript.

Video link: https://vimeo.com/442818475/78bd8d2f17


How to Determine Fees for Church Facility Usage

If church leadership chooses to let people use the church facility for non-church events, you’ll want to consider whether to charge a fee for this option. This guide includes tips on how to determine the amount to charge.

Develop a Purchase Request Policy

The Finance Department needs to know what the church is committed to paying vendors to manage cash flow. You also want visibility into what staff members intend to purchase to ensure they have budget dollars available for those expenditures. A Purchase Request policy (and process) outlines those requirements. This document includes tips on what to include in your purchase request policy.

How to Develop a Church Annual Budget

Part of your church’s annual planning process should include creating a budget. This guide includes tips on how to start developing a budget, who should be involved in the process, and what to do with the budget once it’s in effect.

Review Budget vs. Actual Reports

As part of your monthly financial processes, it’s wise to review the budget and compare those numbers against what actually happened. This guide includes several items to consider in this review effort.

Online Giving Providers

This spreadsheet includes ten of the most popular giving providers along with information regarding their fee structures. Updated as of March 2021.

Establishing Online Giving

Navigating the terminology, fee structures, and methods for electronic giving can be challenging. In this guide, we demystify some of the inner workings of the electronic giving world.

Month End Close Checklist

Closing out the accounting books each month involves performing a standard set of tasks each time. Even the most seasoned accounting professional can overlook a task, so it’s wise to have a checklist to follow. This checklist is a basic list to use as a starting point for your church’s month-end close process.

Offering Counting & Recording

You need a standard process for counting and recording the offering after each service or event. This document is a template you can easily customize based on your church’s requirements.

Month End Close Checklist

A conversation with Church Fraud Examiner, Tim Stephenson. Access the full length video as well as the video transcript.

Video link on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/447599581/948d2979e1

Church Management System

When Switching to a New ChMS Won’t Work

Technology can be frustrating at times. If you’re not happy with your current ChMS, you might consider changing to a new vendor. Before you go down that lengthy (and costly) path, read this guide to determine if there’s an easier solution.

How to Choose the Best ChMS for Your Church

If you’re considering using a ChMS tool for the first time or switching from your current vendor, this guide will help you successfully navigate that process.

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Volunteer Management

Establish a Volunteer Training Program

All volunteers, regardless of their role, require training. The first important step in training volunteers is assigning them to a role that best fits the individual’s skills, personality, and spiritual maturity. Use this guide to develop or enhance your church’s volunteer training program.

Create a Volunteer Development Program

As a church grows, the need for additional volunteers and volunteer leaders increases. If you are the sole person inviting people to serve, signing them up, training them, scheduling them, and scrambling to find someone to fill-in when a volunteer is absent, you’ll quickly burn out. Use this guide to begin developing a volunteer development program at your church.

How to Develop a Volunteer Recruiting Process

Before you ask someone to give up their most limited resource, their time, you must communicate a compelling reason for them to volunteer. Use this guide to document why someone should volunteer at the church and develop a process for inviting and signing them up to serve.

Volunteer Scheduling Process

This brief guide includes a sample scheduling process plus information on several online scheduling tools.

“The Volunteer Management Toolkit: Church Edition”

In this book, you’ll learn a simple, practical process for inviting people to serve, equipping them for success, and how to develop future volunteer leaders.

Volunteer Needs Assessment

Take stock of your volunteer needs with this easy-to-use spreadsheet. You can quickly note how many people you need in each role per service, so you can invite people to serve in the right role at the right time.

Volunteer Information & Assignment Records

If you don’t have a volunteer scheduling tool yet, you can use this template to keep track of volunteer contact information and when they’re scheduled to serve.

Volunteer Organizational Chart

Use this template to create your own leadership structure for volunteers.

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Before you ask someone to serve, you need a clear picture of what you need that volunteer to do. A brief job description for each role helps you set expectations from the start and ensures a potential volunteer knows what to expect as well.

Sample Volunteer Survey Questions

Use this sample survey to check-in with current volunteers and get their feedback.

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